Du wiast vielleicht no nia vo da Weana Punkband „Zumindest Unguad Aufgfoin“ gheat haum. Fois do, woascheinlich nua unguades! Es gibt scho a poa Tapes, Splits und Cds.
Texte san auf Deitsch, Englisch und Dialekt. Es geht um de großn Anarcho-Punk-Themenkomplexe scheiß Bullen, scheiß Nazis, scheiß Spießer, scheiß Kapitalismus, scheiß Kriag, scheiß Patrioten, scheiß Religion, scheiß Oabeit, Dosenbier saufn, aundares saufn, Depression versus Revolution, de gleischgschoitn Konsumtrottln, Söbstzweufi, linksradikale Organisation und so weida. Dazwischn an Haufn deppade Sämpls.
Musikalisch tans aum liabstn ballern, Hardcore, Grindcore, Crust und so, moi rumpelig, moi kompetenter, egal.
De werkn jetzt seit zirka 3 Joa aun eanara neichn Plottn. Jetzt iss fertig.
Oiso de A Seitn is de neiche Plottn, des san neiche Liada.
Auf da B Seitn is a Auswahl vo Hits vo de restlichn 15 Joa drauf, des is qualitechnisch nuamoi a gscheida Hupfa noch untn und zeitweise verändat si de Quali, owa so woas und des gheat so!
Des Artwöak haums natiali söwa gmocht, Siebdruck hintn und voan, innen a Kollage und Lyricsheet, rods und göbs Vinyl, 314 Stickl.
Viennese Punkband “Z.U.A.“ aka „Zumindest Unguad Aufgfoin“ (in English „at least left a negative impression”) sings in German, English and a local dialect and is not too serious about things. So it’s a bit hard to explain their whole vibe (and humor) in English language. The lyrics are quite traditional Anarcho-Punk: ACAB, Nazis, war, capitalism, patriotism, boozing, depression, self-doubt, bourgeoisy, work, boozing, religion, radical left organizations, revolution and so on. Filled with stupid samples.
Musically they like Hardcore, Grindcore, Crust and use those elements, sometimes they do quite well, but when it’s rough they don’t mind even.
The lazy band worked on this new record for 3 years.
But they spent a lot of time for this record. A studio has been built for the recording at “Wagenplatz Treibstoff” at Eichenstraße, Vienna. A rough mix was recorded in the self-built studio so the drummer has some orientation to record the drums. They hardly finished recording the drums one day before the Wagenplatz had to move because the city had been so nice and sent them to another journey. Another critical fact was that Klappstuhl the drummer burnt his bassfoot with hot water the morning before recording the drums.
Guitar(Kachl) and bass(Spritti) had been recorded at home and the vocals were recorded at the “HOOD” in Burgenland. Rikky Tequilla with the help of ZxUxAx members mixed and mastered everything together when there was time for the project. Which was not so easy because Rikky Tequilla had to struggle against his boss at his working place, to fight for better working condition for him and all the workers in the company. But finally in summer 2022 the mastering was finalized and the audiostuff was sent to Austovinyl.
In the meantime ZxUxAx had been working on the graphic design for the LP because they decided to let Austria Vinyl do only the vinyl and the sleeve. The cover, outside (screen prints and assprints [assprints: on the backside of every cover is an ass printed. Each ass is an original, monotypeprint. There are five different asses, three from the bandmembers, one of Rikki Tequilla and one of The Godmother of Weed]) and inside (collage of the band history) and the lyricsheet had been done by the members of the band. At least printing, gluing, folding and sticking everything together is a long time job for 314 pieces. So it´s DIY to the full!
So here it is, the A side of this vinyl is the new record.
The B side is filled with the greatest hits of the last 15 years of their existence, the quality here is much lower and sometimes goes down as the record moves on, but that’s fine.
Vinyls are red and yellow colours, 314 copies.
The band decided to write down that they’re lazy, but in this case it’s not the truth. It’s a drastic lie. They just want to get the favor also from the pennerpunks and not just the DIY fans or other workingclass punx!
1. accumulation of war
2. hosn owe!
3. sindnbeg
4. atomkriag
5. summertimereageehiadl
6. nukularer frieden
7. zuvücourage
8. heute sog i na zu österreich
9. bitterkeit
10. fight for your right
11. Iv sau
12. nieda mit pegida
13. des dagreust nedamoi auf olle 4re
14. suv
1. tribute to the blast
2. oaweit
3. asozial
4. bia schnops wein ois
5. foascheine
6. hoate nuss
7. immer mehr
8. schoda miazl
9. spontaner reinfall
10. gehirn aus – glotze an
11. #4
12. zombie ritual
13. dirty d
14. beganoia
15. stehst du auf zum hakln
16. scheiss kiwarei
17. zu dumm für die polizei
18. wannabe outlaws
19. hegemoney
20. doppla
21. chill out
22. religion = shit
23. work buy consume die
credits SIDE A:
All tracks recorded @ treibstoff rest in peace eichenstraße, mixed & mastered by robert rossrigez 2020-2022
tracks SIDE B:
1-9 from „NA!“ (Album, tape, 2014) recorded & mixed @ EKH Disko and mastered by zxuxa and Ranzphobia
10, 11 from split 7“ with Noise Torture (2009) recorded @ Scheibbser Kölla, mixed und mastered by Hias der Laungzodate
12-17 from “Fia leiwand – Gegen oasch” CD (2010) recorded @ irgendwo in wean, mixed und mastered by Hias der Laungzodate
18 from Demo tape 08 (2008) recorded @ irgendwo in Kirchduaf, mixed und mastered by Phillieb
19-23 from “Work Buy Consume Die” Fake 7´CD (2009) recorded @ Scheibbser Kölla, mixed und mastered by Hias der Laungzodate
Here you can order all available releases from BLOODSHED666 RECORDS, the viennese diy-label specialized in Punk, Hardcore, Sludge, Industrial and various Noise with anarchist approach.
Plus selected releases of befriended labels like MISERY GUTS MUSIC (The Tiger Lillies), REPTILIAN RECORDS (Noise Rock / Punk from Texas / USA) and some others.
For personal shopping we recommend visiting the shop "MUSIKVERSORGUNG STEINER" in Vienna who always carries all our available releases:
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